Ronnie Radke, the former vocalist of Escape the Fate and current vocalist for Falling in Reverse. He is a man recently released from jail who has a horrible history of violence and abuse. He has been throwing temper tantrums on stage, throwing mic stands into the crowd, kicking people out of shows for no reason and just overall acting like a toddler. Is it really that much of a surprise? He's a reckless diva who expects the world and pretty girls to fall at his feet. He's obviously got unresolved issues with his former band; anyone who actually listened to his album could tell you that. So you wear a shirt with the logo of the former band to his concert, knowing how he is, and you expect him not to fly off the handle?
Instead of spending his prison sentence contemplating why he went to jail in the first place, he decided to spend the entire time brooding over his former band. It's all he ever talks about. They did this, they did that, oh they'll never do this or that. To me it seems he is the one that hasn't moved on and he'll never find peace until he does. They replaced Ronnie, and I'd have done the same in their position. He was a restricting force in their band. His paroles and bad attitude kept them from going on tour and playing certain venues. I would have replaced him a long time ago.
Prison seemed to do nothing more for Ronnie than give him a chance to dwell on his replacement. Ronnie isn't original He thinks his band replaced him with a replica. Truth is, Ronnie is a dime a dozen. Anyone can scream into a mic and with all the technology these days anyone can sing. Dye someone's hair black and give them the right wardrobe... The point is it doesn't take much to turn someone into a Ronnie clone. And as far as personality goes, it wouldn't take much to be nicer and more mature than he is.
Speaking of maturity, Ronnie kicked the band I See Stars off his tour in the bands own home town claiming they weren't mature enough. This wrestler explains the situation pretty well:
Ronnie is in fact a bully who has forgotten that his fans are important and are the reason he even has a job. He has gotten confused on why he sings, focusing only on his resentment, envy... honestly, just all the deadly sins. I do not agree with the wrestler who has threatened violence against Ronnie. Beating the crap out of him may help get a message through, but why stoop to his level? As the saying goes, violence begets more violence. However, I do agree that someone needs to step in and stop Ronnie from putting another fan in the hospital--or anyone else for that matter. He is a generic vocalist who needs to humble himself to his fans and ask them to forgive him.
After many bands spread around the wrestler's message by reposting the video all over the internet, Ronnie made this apology on stage:
The fans need more than just a brief apology. The fans need to know that he is going to respect them. It's clear to see he does feel like he has been bullied by his former band, he even wrote an entire album about the resentment he feels towards them, but that is no reason for him to ever take his
frustrations out on someone else; especially not his fans.
frustrations out on someone else; especially not his fans.
I, personally, am a huge fan of everything Ronnie has achieved musically, but given the light of his behavior, I will not be attending any of his shows until his attitude changes. And I hope that in the next album he writes he'll have something new to say. It's time to move on, Ronnie! Make the most of what you got and move on!
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