First of all let me apologize for my long silence, it has been a very interesting November. I am a fan of doing National Novel Writing Month, and did it again this year with excellent results! Meaning I finished writing 50,000 words in 30 days, which really means I didn't finish a novel, I just wrote 50,000 words; the novel is no where near done. Second, I am super excited for Christmas! Not because it's Christmas, but because this year's Doctor Who Special looks awesome! I'm looking forward to knowing why I'm suddenly afraid of Snowmen; good thing I live somewhere it doesn't snow (much).
If you haven't seen the teaser for the Christmas special follow this lovely link.Yep, that's right, snowmen with scary teeth. Please excuse me while I hide under a blanket, maybe I'll make a fort, anyway not the point 8 year old me. Now to the point of this article, how do you know when you're a true Whovian?
7. You see TARDIS blue everywhere.
I swear out of the corner of my eye I see the TARDIS all the time. There have been times when I have stopped what I was doing and said "Did I just see what I thought I saw?", only to find myself sorely disappointed to discover it was only a sign, car, mailbox, or a man in a dapper suit. Wait man in dapper suit!
6. Mannequins in stores freak you out.
That's right you're that person. You keep a wide berth around those freaky things. To be completely honest I don't think I ever found them particularly not creepy. I have a memory of being a kid and not wanting to go near them then. Guess I was a Whovian before I even knew the show existed! Go me?5. You have found yourself tapping four times and then cringing.
Guilty as charged. I don't usually tap my foot or hand. My friends could tell you I'm generally fairly still, but every once in a while I'll tap my fingers or my foot and I do it four times. I don't even realize it. I cringe and go back to work. Having been a drummer in school, before I realized I had no rhythm, this amuses me even more. I also purposefully knock three or five times, just in case.4. You got really upset that David Tennant didn't light the Olympic fire.
So upset! It's too late to complain and all I know, but I would have watched the opening ceremony if David Tennant had been the torch bearer. I can't believe they altered the time line like that! Hopefully that isn't the real reason for the end of the world (jk I know Cthulhu is).3. You think of these little guys whenever someone mentions the newest fad diet.
Why are they so cute? I just want to cuddle one! I think I'll get the stress reliever squishy that they have, because they are just so squishy. I was talking with the CFO at my work and she was trying to convince me to lose weight, all I could think of was Adipose, which really isn't the most brilliant way to lose weight to be completely honest.
2. You hear someone say "Hey who turned out the lights" and cringe.
I'm finding that a lot of these are references to enemies. I'm particularly fond of this one, because this is the episode where I started liking Donna and the episode when River was introduced and it took place in a GIANT library. This is the same episode that makes me cringe when I have two shadows. I don't think "Oh that's neat two light sources", nope I think "I'm gonna die."
AND LAST (But certainly not least)
1.You cringe at statues (even if they aren't weeping angels).
Funny story about this one, there has been a post on Facebook going around a couple of the groups that I follow. This person walked into a comic store and the lady at the cash register pointed to where the Doctor Who stuff was saying "The Doctor Who section is over there." Our Whovian asked "How did you know?" The employee of the comic store replied quite simply "You cringed at the angel statue in front." Yep, we do that. Us Whovians find random stone statues to be scary. Another story, this one absolutely true and I know that because it happened to me. A group of my friends and I were at the Winchester Mystery house for the Fright Walk this past October. Nathaniel and I wouldn't take our eyes off the stone statues in the front when we passed by them, they were the scariest thing through the entire walk. People jumping out at us, no problem. Guy with chainsaw threatening to lop off my legs, cake walk. Stone statues, "DON'T BLINK!"
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