Indie Game Squeeeee: Cube World

Game: Cube World “working title”
system: PC. Though MAC support is planed for the future.
State: in development

Welcome to the first installment of Indie Squeeeee where we spot light a Indie project that we're fan girlishly exited about. Now that I'm done with that let's talk about Cube World.

Cube world is an exciting new a voxel-based exploration RPG being developed by Wolfram von Funck And although It looks very much like Minecraft you'd be wrong to sell it short by assuming it's just a simple clone. The game is shaping up to be an exploration RPG in every sense of the term with a full fledged questing system and an  endless world to explore and fantastical creatures to slay.

According to the developer's blog the game supports cooperative multiplayer and will support many other features such as player customization, player classes and different playable races. They have added a Building system that allows you to construct houses from plans you collect and the game is to feature many items, weapons, and armor along with an upgrading system.

Moving around looks to be a breeze. The character controls seem to have a good feel of momentum. You can scale cliffs and walls by climbing on them and when you get to the top you can even use a hang glider to glide down.

But what really makes us Squeeeee for Cube World is the world itself. A world spanning out in all directions chock to the brim with procedurally generated adventure. It and all it's creatures are made of three dimensional pixels and voxel-based sprites give life to the people who live here and menace to the creature and villains who roam the land. Each enemy that you'll face looks to be fun and imaginative and there’s already a good variety too. From goblins, giant crabs, and huge rampaging turtles the game is shaping up to please and if you get board with that you can raid a dungeon. The fact that I'm laying waist to it all with a pixelated buster sword is just icing on the cake.

Every time I see the latest update of cube world I can't help but get excited. Everything that gets added only makes the game that much better and all of it makes me want to play. Looking at what we've seen so far I can't wait to get my hands on this one.

Cube World game play footage


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