How to write in Circular Gallifreyan

To call myself the provider of an eclectic mix of geeky things I must bring to your attention, if you were not already aware of, Loren Sherman's wonderful version of Circular Gallifreyan. It is beautiful, complex, and looks very close to the writing from the show. The main difference is all the lines he uses are straight. I suppose you wouldn't have to use only straight lines while writing it yourself, but the translator that he provides does not allow for this. It also will sometimes have multiple lines cross changing the meaning of the word. He doesn't have a reverse translator, but that is ok because it is a lot of fun to do it yourself. The translator that is available through his site is nice, but like he says it has a lot of bugs still to work out. One of the more annoying things with his translator is it can't yet do full sentences. This means if you want one you have to make it yourself, which is fine and fun if you have the right program.

I spent most of the first day that I had this just going over the rules and still being unsure what some of the words were that were in the file you can download from Loren Sherman's site. Then I found his Deviantart and his Tumblr, quickly losing myself in trying to translate the posts that he made in Gallifreyan myself. Well enough of my babbling about this take a look for yourself and enjoy!

(A little outdated since there is a new guide) 
(I'll fix this as soon as I know that it is no longer just the temporary site)

There is also a numbers translator, which is nice, but doesn't really serve much of a purpose since numbers are really easy once you know the rules for them. Using the rules from Loren Sherman that is. There are other types of numbers available, which look better in my opinion. 

One last link that has a bunch of links to even more Gallifreyan related awesome. Enjoy your time.

UPDATE (Sept. 9 2012):  Our good Loren Sherman has updated his translator. Its GUI is a bit less friendly, but it does allow for sentences. You can also change colors and save it. The colors can be a bit harsh, but it is nice to have the option. I downloaded the new translator from his Tumblr (hatguy).

UPDATE (Jan. 11, 2013): I'm a little behind on this one I apologize, but all of Loren's Gallifreyan information can now all be found through his tumblr: Loren Sherman's Galifreyan.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, an actual translator would be really cool, though. Good job, fellow whovian
